Divertissement « World Cup: How AI is Revolutionizing Football Officiating and Ensuring Fairness in Decision-Making ». Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 11/12/202411/12/2024 Football is more than just a sport—it’s a global event that brings millions of people together. However, one issue that often causes tension is refereeing. A wrong decision can change the result of a match, leading to anger from players and fans. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), football refereeing is… Continuer la lecture
Gouvernement How AI Can Help Morocco Recycle Better Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 09/12/2024 Have you ever walked through your city in Morocco and noticed how much garbage is around? Recycling is a big challenge, but it’s also a big opportunity. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we can solve this problem in smart and exciting ways. AI is a type of technology… Continuer la lecture
Éducation How AI Is Revolutionizing Note-Taking: Save Time and Boost Productivity Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 07/12/202407/12/2024 Did you know that students spend up to 25% of their study time organizing notes? What if AI could give you that time back? Imagine sitting in a lecture, stress-free, while AI transcribes, organizes, and summarizes everything for you. At the end of class, you have neatly structured, searchable notes… Continuer la lecture
Gouvernement AI Taxis in the USA: A Simple Guide to the Future of Transportation Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 07/12/202407/12/2024 AI-powered taxis, also called self-driving or autonomous taxis, are transforming how people travel in cities across the United States. These vehicles use advanced technologies, including cameras, sensors, and artificial intelligence (AI), to drive without human drivers. Companies like Waymo, Tesla, and Cruise are leading this innovation, bringing us closer to… Continuer la lecture
Éducation الذكاء الاصطناعي: التحديات الأخلاقية والإبداع غير المسبوق Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 06/12/202406/12/2024 في عالمنا اليوم، يُعتبر الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) واحدًا من أعظم الإنجازات التكنولوجية التي غيّرت حياتنا جذريًا. من السيارات ذاتية القيادة إلى المساعدات الرقمية مثل « تشات جي بي تي »، تتوسع إمكانيات الذكاء الاصطناعي بوتيرة متسارعة. ومع هذا التطور المذهل، تبرز قضايا أخلاقية عميقة وتساؤلات حول دور الذكاء الاصطناعي في مجالات الإبداع…. Continuer la lecture
Commerce الذكاء الاصطناعي والتغير البنيوي للمنظومة الاقتصادية في المغرب Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 06/12/202406/12/2024 في العقود الأخيرة، أصبح الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) محركًا رئيسيًا للتطور الاقتصادي العالمي، وأصبح المغرب، بفضل موقعه الاستراتيجي وإرثه الثقافي الغني، مستعدًا للاستفادة من هذا التحول التكنولوجي لتحفيز نموه الاقتصادي. كيف يُغيّر الذكاء الاصطناعي المنظومة الاقتصادية المغربية؟ الذكاء الاصطناعي ليس مجرد تقنية، بل هو أداة قوية تُمكن الشركات والمؤسسات من تحسين… Continuer la lecture
Énergie ARDES: Transforming Morocco’s Urban Spaces with Innovation and Artificial Intelligence Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 30/11/202430/11/2024 L’Art d’Équipement et Service Sarl (ARDES) is a company playing a vital role in modernizing Morocco’s urban infrastructure through cutting-edge solutions. Specializing in importation, automation, public lighting, traffic regulation, signaling, and road safety, ARDES is shaping the future of Moroccan cities to be smarter, safer, and more efficient. With Morocco’s… Continuer la lecture
Énergie Ingelec : Révolutionner le Contrôle Climatique grâce à l’Intelligence Artificielle Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 30/11/202430/11/2024 Ingelec est une entreprise renommée dans le domaine des systèmes de climatisation et de contrôle climatique. Forte de son expérience, elle propose des produits de haute qualité adaptés aux maisons et aux entreprises, garantissant un confort optimal en toute saison. Parmi ses produits phares figurent les systèmes ON/OFF MURAL, GAINABLE… Continuer la lecture
Énergie INGELEC: Revolutionizing Climate Control with Artificial Intelligence Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 30/11/202430/11/2024 Ingelec is a well-known company specializing in air conditioning and climate control systems. With years of experience, Ingelec provides high-quality products that keep homes and businesses comfortable, no matter the season. Their products, such as the ON/OFF MURAL, GAINABLE ON/OFF, and CASSETTE ON/OFF air conditioning systems, are used in a… Continuer la lecture
Santé « How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Women in Morocco Get More Vitamin D » Fatima Zahra MAHRACHA, 27/11/202427/11/2024 Vitamin D is very important for women’s health. It helps keep bones strong, supports the immune system, and keeps us healthy overall. In Morocco, many women suffer from vitamin D deficiency, with about 60% of people having low levels. Women are especially affected because of factors like limited sun exposure,… Continuer la lecture